Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to stand from

  • 1 to stand from

    to stand from
    Naut vir de, ter rumo de, velejar de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to stand from

  • 2 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) estar de pé
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) pôr-se de pé
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) permanecer
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) manter-se em vigor
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) encontrar-se
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) estar
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) candidatar-se
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) colocar
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) sofrer
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) pagar
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) posição
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) suporte
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) quiosque
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) arquibancada
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) barra das testemunhas
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) duração
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) prestígio
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) lista de espera
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) em lista de espera
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to
    * * *
    [stænd] n 1 parada, pausa, descanso. 2 resistência, defesa. 3 lugar, posto, posição, estação, ponto. 4 plataforma, tribuna, estrado. 5 andaime, suporte, estante. 6 estande: recinto reservado a cada participante de uma exposição. 7 barraca, tenda, banca (de jornais e revistas). 8 grupo de árvores ou plantas. 9 coll loja, local de negócio. 10 Amer banco onde as testemunhas depõem. 11 arquibancada. 12 descanso, suporte. 13 pé, pedestal. • vt+vi (ps, pp stood) 1 estar em pé. 2 ter certa altura quando em pé, medir. 3 levantar, ficar em pé. 4 estar situado ou localizado, encontrar-se. 5 colocar, encostar, pôr em pé. don’t stand the umbrella against the table! / não encoste o guarda-chuva na mesa! 6 estar colocado, ocupar certo lugar ou cargo. 7 manter em certa posição. 8 sustentar. 9 estar, ser, encontrar-se. 10 continuar, permanecer, resistir, oferecer resistência. 11 tolerar, agüentar. I can’t stand him / não o posso tolerar. I can’t stand it any longer / não agüento mais isso. I can’t stand it / não tolero isso. there is no standing her stupidity / ninguém agüenta sua estupidez. 12 juntar-se, acumular-se. 13 durar. 14 sofrer, submeter-se, suportar. 15 custear, pagar. it stands me in eight dollars / coll isso me custa oito dólares. I’ll stand you a bottle / pago-lhe uma garrafa, convido-o para tomar um drinque. 16 manter um certo rumo. 17 parar, paralisar, ficar parado, estagnar. 18 valer, estar em vigor. 19 candidatar-se. he stands for Parliament / ele é candidato ao parlamento. 20 coll dar ou pagar conforme o trato. as it stands, as the case stands, as matters stand como estão as coisas, pela situação atual. and there it stands! basta! está encerrado o assunto! he stands no nonsense com ele não se brinca. he stands out like a sore thumb Amer sl ele chama a atenção (de maneira desagradável). how do we stand? como estamos? qual é a situação? it stands at that (cost) price o preço de custo é este. it stands to reason é plausível, evidente, razoável. stand off! saia de perto! vá embora! stand or fall vitória ou morte! the thermometer stands at 35° o termômetro marca 35°. the things I stand up in o que tenho no corpo (roupa). to be at a stand estar parado, estar perplexo, estar em dúvida, indeciso. to come to a stand chegar a um impasse. to make a stand parar, resistir, oferecer resistência, opor-se. to make a stand for something insistir em alguma coisa, responder por alguma coisa. to take a firm stand ocupar uma posição firme. to take one’s stand tomar posição, colocar-se. to take the stand Jur depor. to stand about ficar à toa, rodear. to stand against oferecer resistência, destacar-se de. to stand a good chance ter boas probabilidades. to stand a comparison poder enfrentar uma comparação. to stand alone estar sozinho, estar sem auxílio, estar em posição isolada. to stand aloof manter-se de lado, afastar-se. to stand aside sair ao caminho, ficar de lado. to stand at attention Mil tomar sentido. to stand back afastar-se, recuar. to stand between estar no caminho, estar no meio. to stand by estar presente, estar ao lado, assistir, estar de prontidão, manter (palavra). to stand by a thing defender uma coisa. to stand by one through thick and thin prestar assistência a outrem em qualquer vicissitude. to stand by one’s word manter sua palavra. to stand by someone assistir alguém, acudir. to stand condemned estar condenado. to stand corrected conformar-se com a pena, reconhecer seu erro. to stand down a) abdicar (em favor de outrem). b) Brit dar baixa (soldados). c) deixar o banco de testemunhas. to stand fast resistir, não ceder. to stand fire resistir à prova (suportar o fogo do inimigo). to stand first ser o primeiro, estar em primeiro lugar. to stand for a) significar, querer dizer. b) pretender. c) ter rumo para, velejar para. d) auxiliar. e) ser responsável por, representar. to stand forth mostrar-se, salientar-se. to stand from Naut vir de, ter rumo de, velejar de. to stand gaping ficar de boca aberta, boquiaberto. to stand godfather (to) ser padrinho (de). to stand good ter valor, estar válido. to stand high ter bom nome, ter boa fama. to stand in a) Naut velejar em direção à terra. b) substituir alguém (serviço). to stand in awe ter temor de. to stand in fear ter medo de. to stand in line ficar na fila. to stand in need of ter necessidade de, precisar. to stand in someone’s way estar no caminho de alguém, atrapalhar alguém, impedir alguém. to stand off ficar de lado, afastar-se, retroceder, retrair-se, recusar-se, protelar (pagamento), Naut ficar ao largo. to stand off from Naut afastar-se de. to stand on basear-se em alguma coisa, contar com alguma coisa. to stand on ceremony fazer cerimônias. to stand on end estar em pé (cabelos). to stand one’s ground manter-se, defender-se, ficar firme, não ceder. to stand on one’s dignity fazer questão da sua dignidade. to stand on one’s head ficar de ponta-cabeça, ficar de pernas para o ar. to stand one’s tackling manter seu ponto de vista. to stand on one’s right insistir em seu direito. to stand on your own two feet ser independente, ser auto-suficiente, andar com as próprias pernas. to stand out salientar-se, distinguir-se, sobressair, resistir, não ceder. to stand out for insistir em. to stand over ficar, sobrar, ficar em atraso, adiar, protelar. to stand pat Amer a) conformar-se, opor-se a mudanças. b) Game não pedir cartas, passar. to stand ready to prontificar-se, dispor-se a. to stand security dar fiança, garantir. to stand someone friend mostrar-se amigo para alguém. to stand someone up faltar a um encontro. to stand something on its head mudar de repente, virar de pernas para o ar. to stand still imobilizar-se, ficar parado. to stand the test (ou a trial) passar a prova. to stand to a) permanecer, manter. b) aderir a. c) apoiar, defender. she stood to him / ela o defendeu. to stand trial ser submetido a julgamento. to stand up a) levantar-se. b) Amer decepcionar, abandonar, deixar na mão. to stand up against levantar-se contra, rebelar-se, lutar contra. to stand up for defender, apoiar, tomar o partido de. to stand upon insistir em, basear-se em. to stand upon one’s guard tomar cuidado, precaver-se. to stand up to encarar, enfrentar. to stand well with dar-se bem com, ter amizade com. what stand do you take? qual é a sua opinião?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stand

  • 3 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) ficar em pé
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) levantar-se
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) ficar
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) permanecer
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) ficar
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) estar
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) candidatar-se
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) pôr em pé
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) agüentar, submeter-se a
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) oferecer
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) posição
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) suporte
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) estande
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribuna, arquibancada
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) barra
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) duração
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) reputação
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) sem reserva, em lista de espera
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) sem reserva
    - standing-room - make someone's hair stand on end - stand aside - stand back - stand by - stand down - stand fast/firm - stand for - stand in - stand on one's own two feet - stand on one's own feet - stand out - stand over - stand up for - stand up to

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stand

  • 4 stand down

    (to withdraw eg from a contest.) retirar-se (de)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stand down

  • 5 stand down

    (to withdraw eg from a contest.) retirar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stand down

  • 6 witness-box / witness-stand

    noun (the stand from which a witness gives evidence in a court of law.) banco das testemunhas

    English-Portuguese dictionary > witness-box / witness-stand

  • 7 witness-box / witness-stand

    noun (the stand from which a witness gives evidence in a court of law.) banco das testemunhas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > witness-box / witness-stand

  • 8 to stand off from

    to stand off from
    Naut afastar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to stand off from

  • 9 fair

    I [feə] adjective
    1) (light-coloured; with light-coloured hair and skin: fair hair; Scandinavian people are often fair.) claro
    2) (just; not favouring one side: a fair test.) justo
    3) ((of weather) fine; without rain: a fair afternoon.) bonito
    4) (quite good; neither bad nor good: Her work is only fair.) suficiente/razoável
    5) (quite big, long etc: a fair size.) um certo tamanho/algo grande
    6) (beautiful: a fair maiden.) belo/formoso
    - fairly
    - fair play
    II [feə] noun
    1) (a collection of entertainments that travels from town to town: She won a large doll at the fair.) feira
    2) (a large market held at fixed times: A fair is held here every spring.) feira
    3) (an exhibition of goods from different countries, firms etc: a trade fair.) feira
    * * *
    [fɛə] n 1 feira. 2 feira de amostras. 3 Amer bazar de caridade. the book faira feira do livro.
    [fɛə] n Poet mulher formosa. • vt+vi 1 Mech acabar (uma peça). 2 fazer ou tornar-se propício. 3 aclarar, desanuviar-se (tempo). • adj 1 regular, satisfatório. 2 uniforme, suave. 3 proporcionado, formoso, belo. 4 claro, límpido. 5 claro, louro (cabelo, face). 6 limpo, íntegro. 7 desimpedido. 8 sereno (céu). 9 bom, favorável (vento). he is in a fair way to succeed / ele tem boas perspectivas de êxito. 10 prometedor, auspicioso. 11 cortês, amável, agradável. 12 oportuno, plausível. 13 sólido, com base (esperança). 14 considerável, amplo. 15 nítido, legível (letra). 16 legítimo, justo. he has a fair chance / ele tem uma oportunidade justa. 17 honesto, franco (jogo, luta). • adv 1 de modo justo, favorável. they played fair / eles jogaram honestamente. the wind sits fair / o vento está favorável. 2 em cheio. 3 diretamente. a fair share uma parte justa. by fair means por bem, sem violência. by fair means or foul de um modo ou de outro. fair and softly goes afar devagar se vai ao longe. fair and square honesto, justo. fair field and no favour possibilidades iguais para todos. fair water água límpida. fair wear and tear Tech desgaste justo: dano ou desgaste causado aos bens em conseqüência de uso normal. the belly is not filled with fair words palavras bonitas não enchem barriga. the stone hit him fair in the head a pedra caiu-lhe diretamente na cabeça. to bid fair to prometer, ser auspicioso. to give someone fair warning avisar em tempo. to have a fair livelihood ter para viver comodamente. to stand fair for ter esperanças. to stand fair with a person estar em bons entendimentos com alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fair

  • 10 clear

    [kliə] 1. adjective
    1) (easy to see through; transparent: clear glass.) transparente
    2) (free from mist or cloud: Isn't the sky clear!) limpo
    3) (easy to see, hear or understand: a clear explanation; The details on that photograph are very clear.) nítido
    4) (free from difficulty or obstacles: a clear road ahead.) desimpedido
    5) (free from guilt etc: a clear conscience.) tranquilo
    6) (free from doubt etc: Are you quite clear about what I mean?) certo
    7) ((often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc: Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.) livre
    8) ((often with of) free: clear of debt; clear of all infection.) livre
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become free from obstacles etc: He cleared the table; I cleared my throat; He cleared the path of debris.) desimpedir
    2) ((often with of) to prove the innocence of; to declare to be innocent: He was cleared of all charges.) ilibar
    3) ((of the sky etc) to become bright, free from cloud etc.) clarear
    4) (to get over or past something without touching it: He cleared the jump easily.) passar à vontade
    - clearing
    - clearly
    - clearness
    - clear-cut
    - clearway
    - clear off
    - clear out
    - clear up
    - in the clear
    * * *
    [kliə] n claro, espaço, intervalo, vão livre. • vt+vi 1 aclarar, clarear, iluminar. 2 retirar, remover, afastar. 3 tirar (a mesa). 4 limpar, roçar (terreno), desbravar. 5 desobstruir, desimpedir. 6 saltar ou passar por (sem tocar), transpor. 7 absolver, inocentar, justificar, reabilitar. 8 esclarecer, elucidar, explicar. 9 ganhar, tirar como lucro líquido. 10 desembaraçar (carga), pagar direitos aduaneiros. 11 descarregar navio. 12 Naut zarpar depois de desembaraçada. 13 esvaziar, despejar. 14 saldar, solver, liquidar contas. 15 compensar (um cheque). 16 exonerar, desobrigar. 17 desanuviar(-se), clarear. 18 Naut afastar-se. 19 sl sumir, fugir. • adj 1 claro, sem nuvens, brilhante, luminoso, lúcido. 2 transparente, translúcido. 3 puro, límpido. 4 limpo, sem mancha. 5 perspicaz, inteligente. 6 distinto. 7 evidente, aparente, manifesto. 8 inteligível. 9 seguro, certo. 10 livre, aberto, desimpedido. 11 desembaraçado. 12 sem tocar. 13 sem ser pego. 14 inocente, sem culpa. 15 líquido, livre de dívidas ou taxas. 16 ilimitado, completo. 17 despreocupado, sem preconceito. • adv 1 claramente. 2 completamente, inteiramente. a clear case! sem dúvida! all (is) clear! tudo pronto!, tudo em ordem! as clear as crystal ou as clear as (noon) day bem claro, evidente. as clear as mud ou as clear as a boot-jack hum claro como tinta. clear amount quantia líquida, lucro líquido. clear contrary justamente o contrário. clear felling derrubada total do mato. clear of debt livre de dívidas. clear water Naut água aberta para a navegação. he came off clear ele escapou ileso, ele salvou-se. he cleared his throat ele tossiu, pigarreou. he clears 6 ft ele salta 6 pés em altura (sem tocar). he spoke loud and clear ele falou em voz alta e clara. in the clear coll livre de suspeita ou culpa. stand clear! saia do caminho!, afaste-se! the coast is clear fig não tem ninguém por perto. to clear an estate livrar uma propriedade de hipotecas. to clear away 1 vencer, superar (a difficulty uma dificuldade). 2 afastar-se. 3 retirar, guardar objetos que estavam sendo usados. to clear decks aprontar o navio (para combate). to clear from blame declarar inocente. to clear off 1 retirar(-se). 2 liquidar (estoque). 3 sl cair fora, dar no pé. 4 esvaziar, retirar objetos. to clear out 1 evacuar, desocupar. 2 partir, sair rapidamente, cair fora. 3 livrar-se (de objetos indesejáveis), jogar fora. to clear out of the way tirar do caminho. to clear the air eliminar tensões emocionais, desentendimentos. to clear the land Naut fazer-se ao largo. to clear the way abrir caminho. to clear up 1 aclarar, desanuviar-se. 2 decifrar. 3 arrumar, pôr em ordem. 4 limpar (o tempo). the weather is clearing up / o tempo está melhorando. to make clear tornar claro. we got clear of him ficamos livres dele. we kept clear (of) ficamos afastados de, não nos intrometemos (em).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clear

  • 11 hair

    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) pelo
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) cabelo
    - - haired
    - hairy
    - hairiness
    - hair's-breadth
    - hair-breadth
    - hairbrush
    - haircut
    - hair-do
    - hairdresser
    - hairdressing
    - hair-drier
    - hairline
    - hair-oil
    - hairpin
    2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) curva fechada
    - hairstyle
    - keep one's hair on
    - let one's hair down
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - make hair stand on end
    - not to turn a hair
    - turn a hair
    - split hairs
    - tear one's hair
    * * *
    [hɛə] n 1 cabelo, pêlo. 2 fig algo muito pequeno ou fino. his hair stood on end seus cabelos eriçaram-se. to a hair exatamente. to get in someone’s hair ser a fonte de irritação de alguém. to keep one’s hair on ficar calmo. to let one’s hair down falar sem reservas. to lose one’s hair ficar com raiva, impaciente. to make someone’s hair curl chocar alguém. to make someone’s hair stand on end assustar alguém. within a hair’s breadth por um fio de cabelo, por um triz. without turning a hair sem pestanejar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hair

  • 12 ease

    [i:z] 1. noun
    1) (freedom from pain or from worry or hard work: a lifetime of ease.) sossego
    2) (freedom from difficulty: He passed his exam with ease.)
    3) (naturalness: ease of manner.) facilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to free from pain, trouble or anxiety: A hot bath eased his tired limbs.) aliviar
    2) ((often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc: The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town.) abrandar
    3) (to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position: They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.) ajeitar
    - easiness
    - easy
    3. interjection
    (a command to go or act gently: Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast.) calma!
    - easy-going
    - at ease
    - easier said than done
    - go easy on
    - stand at ease
    - take it easy
    - take one's ease
    * * *
    [i:z] n 1 bem-estar físico ou espiritual, tranqüilidade, sossego, ócio. 2 alívio, conforto, despreocupação, comodidade. 3 naturalidade, facilidade, franqueza, desembaraço. • vt+vi 1 aliviar, livrar da dor ou preocupação, consolar, reconfortar, atenuar. 2 diminuir, minorar. 3 tranqüilizar, acalmar. 4 mover(-se) vagarosa e cuidadosamente. 5 soltar, relaxar, afrouxar. 6 facilitar. at ease a) à vontade, em paz. I feel at my ease here / aqui eu me sinto à vontade, em casa. b) Mil descansar (posição). ill at ease embaraçado, constrangido, pouco à vontade. take your ease esteja à vontade. to ease off, ease up abrandar, suavizar, desprender, saltar. to live at ease viver sem preocupações. to put (set) a person at his ease tranqüilizar, reconfortar alguém, fazer sentir-se à vontade. with ease facilmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ease

  • 13 ease

    [i:z] 1. noun
    1) (freedom from pain or from worry or hard work: a lifetime of ease.) sossego
    2) (freedom from difficulty: He passed his exam with ease.) facilidade
    3) (naturalness: ease of manner.) desenvoltura
    2. verb
    1) (to free from pain, trouble or anxiety: A hot bath eased his tired limbs.) aliviar
    2) ((often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc: The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town.) abrandar, reduzir
    3) (to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position: They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase.) ajeitar
    - easiness - easy 3. interjection
    (a command to go or act gently: Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast.) calma
    - easy-going - at ease - easier said than done - go easy on - stand at ease - take it easy - take one's ease

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ease

  • 14 arise

    past tense - arose; verb
    1) (to come into being: These problems have arisen as a result of your carelessness; Are there any matters arising from our earlier discussion?) surgir
    2) (to get up or stand up.) levantar-se
    * * *
    [ər'aiz] vi (ps arose pp arisen) 1 levantar(-se), erguer(-se). the morning mist arises from the meadows / a névoa matinal levanta-se dos prados. 2 subir, elevar(-se). 3 surgir, aparecer. 4 nascer, originar(-se), começar. 5 ressuscitar. 6 provir, proceder, resultar ( from de). 7 rebelar(-se), sublevar(-se). they arose against their oppressors / eles se rebelaram contra seus opressores. 8 opor(-se) ( against contra).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > arise

  • 15 correct

    [kə'rekt] 1. verb
    1) (to remove faults and errors from: These spectacles will correct his eye defect.) corrigir
    2) ((of a teacher etc) to mark errors in: I have fourteen exercise books to correct.) corrigir
    2. adjective
    1) (free from faults or errors: This sum is correct.) correcto
    2) (right; not wrong: Did I get the correct idea from what you said?; You are quite correct.) correcto
    - corrective
    - correctly
    - correctness
    * * *
    [kər'ekt] vt 1 corrigir, retificar. 2 regular. 3 emendar. 4 rever, revisar (provas). he corrects proofs / ele revisa provas tipográficas. 5 admoestar, repreender. 6 castigar. • adj 1 correto, direito, certo, exato, preciso. you are correct in that / você tem razão neste ponto. it is the correct thing to do / é o que se deve fazer. 2 próprio, justo, apropriado. I stand corrected admito meu erro. the correct card sl o bom negócio. to be correct a) comportar-se bem. b) ter razão, estar certo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > correct

  • 16 drink

    [driŋk] 1. past tense - drank; verb
    1) (to swallow (a liquid): She drank a pint of water; He drank from a bottle.) beber
    2) (to take alcoholic liquids, especially in too great a quantity.) beber muito
    2. noun
    1) ((an act of drinking) a liquid suitable for swallowing: He had/took a drink of water; Lemonade is a refreshing drink.) bebida
    2) ((a glassful etc of) alcoholic liquor: He likes a drink when he returns home from work; Have we any drink in the house?) bebida
    - drink to / drink to the health of
    - drink to / drink the health of
    - drink up
    * * *
    [driŋk] n 1 bebida, bebida alcoólica. 2 gole, trago. 3 bebedeira, hábito de beber. 4 sl o mar. 5 sl suborno. • vt+vi (drank, drunk). 1 beber, absorver, sorver, embeber. he has taken to drink / ele deu para beber. 2 embebedar-se, embriagar-se. 3 absorver pelos sentidos, aspirar, ver, ouvir. 4 ( with to) brindar a, beber à saúde de ou pelo bom êxito de. a mild drink bebida suave. an intoxicating drink bebida embriagante. a stiff drink bebida forte. have a drink tome alguma coisa. he drank his sorrows away ele afogou suas mágoas em álcool. soft drink refrigerante. strong drinks bebidas fortes. to be in drink estar bêbado. to drink away 1 beber continuamente. 2 livrar-se de, perder (alguma coisa) bebendo. to drink down beber de um gole. to drink from, out of (a glass, etc.) beber num copo, etc. to drink hard, deep beber muito ou em excesso. to drink in absorver pelos sentidos. to drink off beber de um só gole, to drink oneself drunk beber até embriagar-se. to drink the health ou to drink to brindar a, beber à saúde de. to drink up beber tudo, esvaziar. to stand someone a drink/ to treat someone to a drink oferecer uma bebida a alguém, pagar uma bebida a alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drink

  • 17 order

    ['o:də] 1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) ordem
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) ordem
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) encomenda
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) ordem
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) ordem
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) ordem
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) ordem
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) ordem
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) classe
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) ordem
    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) mandar
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) encomendar
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) ordenar
    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) auxiliar
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) ordenança
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order
    * * *
    ['ɔ:də] n 1 ordem, seqüência, disposição. 2 regra, norma, método. 3 arrumação. 4 condição, estado. 5 classe, categoria. 6 mando, diretiva. 7 comando. 8 pedido, encomenda. 9 encargo. 10 natureza. 11 sociedade religiosa ou fraternal. 12 ordem de pagamento. 13 ordenação. 14 comenda. 15 condição normal, correta, apropriada. 16 estado de eficiência. 17 regulamento. 18 qualidade, espécie, prescrição, receita. • vt+vi 1 ordenar, dispor, arranjar. 2 mandar, determinar. 3 comandar. 4 regular. 5 decidir, resolver. 6 pedir, encomendar. 7 consagrar. 8 Med receitar. banker’s order = link=standing%20orderstanding order. autorizado para débito em conta bancária. by order of por ordem de. I am not under your orders eu não estou sob as suas ordens. in due order em perfeita ordem. in good order em bom estado. in order that a fim de que. in order to a fim de. in short order rapidamente. made to order feito por encomenda. mail order aquisição de bens pelo correio. of/ in the order of Brit on the order of Amer cerca de, da ordem de. on order pedido, mas ainda não recebido. order of the day ordem do dia. orders are orders ordens são ordens. out of order desarranjado, enguiçado. pecking order ordem hierárquica. postal order vale postal. temporary restraining order liminar. to call to order chamar à ordem. to keep order manter a ordem. to order about ou around mandar de lá para cá. to order out mandar sair. to place an order Com fazer um pedido. to take orders / to be in orders ordenar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > order

  • 18 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) subir
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) subir
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) levantar-se
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) levantar-se
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) nascer
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) elevar-se
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) levantar-se
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) subir
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) nascer
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) levantar-se
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) erguer-se
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) ressuscitar
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) subida
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) aumento
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) elevação
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) ascensão
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) em ascensão
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    [raiz] n 1 ação de levantar ou subir. 2 ascensão, elevação. 3 colina, aclive, ladeira, rampa, elevação de terreno. 4 promoção, avanço, progresso. 5 subida dos peixes à superfície. 6 distância vertical entre a linha de nascença e o ponto mais elevado do intradorso. 7 subida. 8 lance de escadas. 9 Brit aumento (de salário). 10 ponto elevado. 11 origem, causa, fonte, nascente, início, princípio. 12 cheia (de rios). 13 alta, encarecimento. • vi (ps rose, pp risen). 1 subir, ir para cima. 2 levantar(-se), erguer(-se),
    pôr-se de pé, sair da cama. I rose from my seat / levantei-me da minha cadeira. my hair rose on my head / meus cabelos ficaram em pé. 3 terminar (levantando-se). 4 ressuscitar, ressurgir. 5 crescer (massa de pão). 6 promover, ser promovido, progredir. 7 aumentar (salários, preços). 8 ascender (terreno). 9 nascer, surgir (sol). 10 vir à superfície (peixes). 11 tornar-se audível. 12 revoltar-se, rebelar-se, insurgir-se contra. they rose in arms / pegaram em armas, sublevaram-se. 13 elevar (edifícios, montanhas). 14 encher (rio, mar). 15 originar, começar. 16 animar-se, criar ânimo. her spirit rose / ela ficou alegre, animou-se. 17. vir à mente. it rose to my mind / veio-me à mente. 18 aumentar, intensificar-se, acentuar-se. 19 aclamar, aplaudir. the house rose at the actress / a artista foi aplaudida calorosamente. 20 esforçar-se para enfrentar. on the rise em alta. rise in (of) prices aumento de preços. she got a rise out of me ela me irritou. she rose to her feet ela levantou-se, ficou de pé. they rose to the bait morderam a isca. to give rise to originar, produzir, ocasionar, causar. to rise upon the view surgir, aparecer. we rose to the occasion mostramo-nos à altura da situação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rise

  • 19 strain

    I 1. [strein] verb
    1) (to exert oneself or a part of the body to the greatest possible extent: They strained at the door, trying to pull it open; He strained to reach the rope.) esforçar-se
    2) (to injure (a muscle etc) through too much use, exertion etc: He has strained a muscle in his leg; You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light.) estragar
    3) (to force or stretch (too far): The constant interruptions were straining his patience.) forçar
    4) (to put (eg a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid: She strained the coffee.) filtrar
    2. noun
    1) (force exerted; Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope?) esforço
    2) ((something, eg too much work etc, that causes) a state of anxiety and fatigue: The strain of nursing her dying husband was too much for her; to suffer from strain.) tensão
    3) ((an) injury especially to a muscle caused by too much exertion: muscular strain.) distensão
    4) (too great a demand: These constant delays are a strain on our patience.) pressão
    - strainer
    - strain off
    II [strein] noun
    1) (a kind or breed (of animals, plants etc): a new strain of cattle.) raça
    2) (a tendency in a person's character: I'm sure there's a strain of madness in her.) traço
    3) ((often in plural) (the sound of) a tune: I heard the strains of a hymn coming from the church.) melodia
    * * *
    [strein] n 1 força, peso. 2 esforço, solicitação, extenuação. the cord could not stand the strain / a corda não agüentou o esforço. 3 luxação, deslocamento, contorção. I have a strain in my hand / destronquei minha mão. 4 tensão, pressão, compressão. 5 estilo, modo, maneira. 6 procedimento. 7 (também strains) melodia, composição, canção. he was buried to the strains of his favourite song / ele foi sepultado ao som de sua canção favorita. • vt+vi 1 puxar, esticar, forçar. 2 puxar com força, arrancar. 3 esforçar, concentrar-se. 4 cansar, extenuar, prejudicar por esforço excessivo, torcer, luxar, deslocar, contorcer. 5 estar prejudicado por esforço, estar machucado. 6 abusar, exagerar. 7 esforçar-se, exceder-se. 8 constringir, comprimir. 9 espremer, passar por peneira ou espremedor, coar. 10 percolar, passar. 11 apertar, abraçar, estreitar. he strained the child to his heart / ele abraçou a criança. in this strain desta maneira, neste tom. she is a strain on my nerves ela me deixa nervoso. to strain a point abandonar, desistir de um princípio. to strain a relationship comportar-se de uma forma a causar problemas na relação, estragar. to strain at esforçar-se para. to strain something to the limit ir, forçar, até o limite.
    [strein] n 1 raça, cepa, descendência. 2 grupo, família de plantas ou animais que formam uma variedade, linhagem. 3 qualidade ou caráter hereditário. 4 traço, tendência, disposição. there is a strain of madness in her / ela tem um traço de loucura.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strain

  • 20 hair

    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) pêlo
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) cabelo
    - - haired
    - hairy - hairiness - hair's-breadth - hair-breadth - hairbrush - haircut - hair-do - hairdresser - hairdressing - hair-drier - hairline - hair-oil - hairpin 2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) fechado
    - hairstyle - keep one's hair on - let one's hair down - make someone's hair stand on end - make hair stand on end - not to turn a hair - turn a hair - split hairs - tear one's hair

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hair

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